Sleep in Teens Course

Calling all exhausted teens and their parents!

Did you know?

  • Anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders are on the rise in teenagers

  • Teens getting less than 8 hours of sleep at night are at risk of feeling depressed and anxious

  • Up to 53% of middle and 73% of high schoolers get less than the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep

  • Teen sleep problems can only get worse unless we as parents, and society take action!

This course is for you if…

You want to improve your teens sleep and get them from surviving to thriving.

You are a teen parent, doing the best you can to nourish, guide, and provide for your teen. Yet, you watch them struggle from day to day with their sleep. You see how this negatively impacts their daytime functioning, mood, and performance. They are chronically sleep-deprived, and this is obvious in their:

You know there needs to be a change as other aspects of their life is suffering. They just seem to lack energy and motivation and don’t seem interested in what previously delighted them.  You astutely connected their insufficient sleep and its consequences but can’t seem to get them on the same page. 

Your teen deserves to reach their full potential mentally, physically, and emotionally and getting them enough sleep is a huge piece of the puzzle. You know it, they may or may not, but we can get them on the same page.


Easier Mornings

Your teen is waking up bright-eyed and ready to take on their day. No need for multiple, deafening alarm clocks!

Your teen no longer needs to run to catch the school bus or be marked tardy.

More Productive Weekends

You no longer struggle with your teen to get them to unplug from technology at bedtime.

Your teen no longer “sleeps in” their entire Saturday in an attempt to catch up from short sleep during the week.

A Happier Teen

 Your teen is able to set boundaries and be better organized about their day given their renewed energy and creativity.

You can hand them the car keys with confidence, knowing that they won’t be driving while drowsy.

This sleep course contains modules that will take your teen through their restful sleep journey. It starts with the why of sleep and takes them through how to make sleep work for them.

The course contains:

  • Seven modules on the how and why of sleep with unlimited lifetime access. 

  • A downloadable worksheet with journal prompts and actionable items following each module.

  • A sleep diary to help them track their sleep and objectively monitor improvement over the course.

  • Access to an exclusive Restful Sleep in our Teens FB community, with other teen parents walking in your shoes.

Course Modules

  • When we know better, we do better! In this module, we discuss all the different benefits of sleep. As a result, your teen can understand sleep as a critical pillar of health in addition to diet and exercise. To take meaningful action and improve their sleep, teens need clarity on why it is important to prioritize it.

  • The teen years are a period of dramatic growth and development. Changes in your teen’s internal body clock, expectations from school, and other demands can limit the time available for sleep. Technology use is a significant deterrent to our teens’ sleep. Medical problems like conditions called sleep apnea can leave you feeling exhausted even when you get enough sleep. In this module, your teen will learn what factors are within their control and which are not.

  • We are all creatures of habits. Once we adopt these healthy habits, they stay with us for life. While it is recommended that teens get 8 to 10 hours of sleep, there is more to it than the hours of sleep they get. The quality of their sleep also matters. This module discusses practical ways to create healthy sleep habits to improve your teens’ sleep quality and quantity. They will learn to create their bedtime routine and incorporate wind-down time for bed!

  • What’s the verdict? Teens consume a large amount of caffeine and caffeinated beverages to get through the day. They will learn about how caffeine and naps work to boost alertness. What are the benefits and side effects of taking caffeine? Does caffeine improve sleepiness in teens? If so, for how long? Your teens will learn about the impact of caffeine and naps on the following night’s sleep.

  • Your teens are working on improving their sleep habits. However, they still have several nights tossing and turning in bed. Sometimes their minds start racing, and they can’t get it to wind down at bedtime. In this module, your teens will learn what to do when they can’t fall asleep at night. In addition, they will learn to avoid using phones to distract themselves during these prolonged awakenings.

  • Getting out of bed could be such a hassle in the mornings. Your teen seems to be in their deepest sleep stages right before the alarm goes off in the morning. They don’t start to feel alert until closer to Midday. This module will teach them to wake up feeling refreshed and energetic and get rid of that morning’s mental fogginess. They will learn how to create their personalized morning routine and start the day feeling vibrant and energized!

  • Sometimes, an underlying sleep disorder can prevent teens from getting the sleep they need. No matter how hard they prioritize sleep, they may still wake up tired. Since they sleep in their rooms, you may not hear them snore, but their friends may observe this when they go for a sleepover. They may also have insomnia which has been going on for months, but not realize something is wrong. These may be signs they have a sleep problem that needs to be treated by a doctor. In this module, your teen will learn about different sleep disorders and know when to seek sleep help from an expert.

The sleep course for teens is a comprehensive & engaging course designed to help teens understand their sleep and sleep better.

With the sleep course, your teens will be able to: 

  • Understand what sleep is and why it is not just an option but a biological requirement. 

  • Recognize the benefits of sleep and the detriments of insufficient sleep.

  • Understand how with puberty, changes in their bodies also affect their timing of sleep. 

  • Gain insight into the impact of sleep on their mood, health, and performance. 

  • Develop an individualized sleep plan that will help them prioritize their sleep.

  • Enjoy the benefits of restful sleep on mental, physical, and emotional health.

$149 USD

with a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee

Start enjoying restful sleep today.

What People Are Saying About Restful Sleep MD Courses

  • "We were so fortunate to have Dr. Afolabi-Brown speak at the 21 Day Christian Woman’s Health Challenge and Transformation. Dr. Afolabi-Brown helped us understand the fundamentals of sleep and the importance of creating a sleep enhancing bedroom. Her instructions for fashioning a better sleep environment are reasonable and easily implemented. I learned so much from her tips on how to increase melatonin levels, the body’s natural sleep inducing hormone. If you are looking for a physician expert in sleep medicine to help you or a family member, look no further."

    — P Hamilton-Stubbs, BSN, M.D., CNS

  • “Dr. Brown is amazing to work with! She is an excellent speaker and really taught our students in a way that was easy to understand but full of evidence-based information! She went above and beyond—we can’t wait to work with her again!”


  • “When I’m tired, it’s often difficult to choose between what’s best and what’s easiest for my life. Easiest gets the upper hand. So, if I really want to make something out of this life God has given me - and I do - I need to learn how to utilize the rhythms of hard work and rest. When I’m not rested, I don’t have the emotional, physical, and mental strength to be present & say “yes! I’m going to do what’s best for my life, not what’s easiest.” I thought of you after I wrote this - another plug for the work you’re doing with Restful Sleep and how important it is to living our best life.”


  • "After working my way through the Sleep in Teens Course, I have a better and more in depth understanding of things such as technology use and the lack of sleep pressure that affects my sleep and overall health. There was a lot of information about bad sleep habits and useful tips for better sleep that I had no knowledge about prior to taking the course. I will definitely be implementing the information I've learned and the Restful Sleep diary into my daily routine!"

    — DAWN

  • Sleep never had been an issue for me until I became a mother. My first child was calm, regimented and had his inbuilt fixed snooze alarm time, which helped me focus on other chores, but he was an early riser. Then comes along my second child, who is full of zest and life tries to keep up with her, even in her sleep (smile!). A late nighter and an early riser with a twice wake up buzzer in between the time she shots her eyes to her final waking up. Now that actually made me climb up the roof 'clawed', frequently At my wits ends along came Dr Brown, who calmly listened, teased out some faults, encouraged and helped me set some plans/goals to help her with a routine and sleep hygiene that would help readjust her activities for the day and sleep. She emphasized on the ," *not going to be easy times* , *don't be too hard on yourself if it fails with the back to the drawing board attitude* ", and *the need to be willing and determined for a change on my part.* Dr Brown guaranteed, I would see a difference and she was absolutely right. I am indeed grateful for her counsel.

    — Marian (Mom of 2)

  • What were your struggles before working with RestfulSleepMD?

    “I wake up several times a night and I can't fall back asleep. Usually, I will wake up with my mind racing, thinking about writing grants, research, things I need to do in my business and on life. Other times, I wake up with heart palpitation and cold sweat because I am stressed out about things happening during the daytime.

    My daughter also comes over every night and disturbs my sleep.

    Because I get only 4-5 hours of sleep every night, I am unproductive at work and I am angry all the time.”

    — JIA NG

  • What did you hope to achieve with working with RestfulSleepMD?

    “I want have a good night sleep so that I feel refreshed in the morning and feel ready to take on the world.”

    — JIA NG

  • How did working with me help you achieve your sleep/other goals? (please be as specific as possible)

    “Dr. Brown analyzed my sleep diary, and diagnosed several causes that had led to my poor sleep quality. Then she guided me through different strategies to help tackle each problem.”

    — JIA NG

  • What have been some of your biggest wins with your sleep and how has it affected other areas of your life (work, parenting, relationships etc.) ?

    “Sleep - The length increased from 5hours/night to 6.5 hours/night. No more mid-night awakenings. My daughter is no longer coming over to disrupt my sleep. I feel fresh and rejuvenated in the morning.

    Work - I did not realize that I have been working with a fog around my mind. After getting good quality sleep, the fog lifted. Now, I have clarity when I write research papers.

    Parenting - Through Dr. Brown's guidance, I was able to coach my daughter to fall asleep by herself and to not come over to disrupt my sleep. This is life-changing! Because my daughter is sleeping through the night, she is also getting better quality sleep and is more cheerful in the morning.

    Relationship - When I was sleep-deprived, I would lose my temper easily. Now, I am more patient.”

    — JIA NG

Video Testimonial

Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Funke Afolabi-Brown is an academic physician currently serving as an assistant professor of Clinical Pediatrics. As a double board-certified pediatric respiratory sleep medicine physician, Dr. Brown helps her patients breathe better and sleep better. Dr. Brown is an author, speaker, coach and the founder of RestfulSleepMD. As a physician and a mom, she understands the impact sleep has on our overall health.

“I am on a mission to help parents and their children prioritize sleep to achieve their optimal health and live to their fullest potential.”

Please note that medical information and other information I share is meant to be for information and educational purposes only. While I am a physician, the information I provide does not substitute your physician’s. Additionally, my views and those of my guests do not reflect my employer’s. As a result, I will not be able to provide direct medical advice.


How much does it cost?

Your investment is only $149.

How do I access the course?

Upon completion of payment, you'll receive an email with login information for our online course platform. Simply log in and get started!

When will I have access to the course?

You’ll have immediate access to the full course content!

How long is the course?

This sleep course contains seven video modules that will take your teen through their restful sleep journey. It starts with the why of sleep and takes them through how to make sleep work for them. The course is self-paced and can be completed at your teen’s pace. I recommend doing a module a week, to keep the momentum going and allow time implement the steps. To make the most of the content, use the accompanying workbook and fill out the sleep diary over a 2 week period.

How long do I have to complete the course?

There is no time limit to complete this course, so go at your own pace. Access to the course does not expire so you can take as much time as you need and refer back to the information at any time.

What if the course doesn’t meet my needs?

We'll issue a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

We ask that you provide feedback so we know what we can do to improve the course moving forward.

For refund requests, email

What if I need more help?

Send us an email at We'll help you determine the best way to provide additional support.

Have more questions? Email us at

 Ready for more restful sleep?